Monday, May 05, 2008

Byonics TinyTrak 4 TNC

A month or so ago I was shopping for a small TNC that I could use to build an APRS "tracker" system. We frequently use them around here when we support public service events, Red Cross Activities, etc. I ended up getting a Byonics Tiny Trak 4 because in addition to having the tracker features it is also a complete KISS mode TNC which makes regular two-way packet radio communications possible as well.

In addition to other activities I operate N9PUZ-10, a VHF Winlink 2000 gateway. This morning I tested the TT4 in full TNC mode and am happy to report it works quite well with Winlink using the Packlink MP program and AGW Packet Engine. If you're looking for an affordable, portable TNC that can be used in a variety of applications the TinyTrak 4 is worth evaluating.


Tim, N9PUZ

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