Monday, October 26, 2009

Another Breakfast Success!

This past Saturday there was another successful "No Host Ham Radio Breakfast" here in Springfield, Illinois. We had good attendance with I believe about 51 people from quite a few of the surrounding counties.

I highly recommend that people do something similar wherever you live. Essentially I just pick a date and then start talking it up on the area radio nets, sending emails, etc. On the chosen date we meet at a buffet style restaurant for breakfast and spend a couple of hours catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. The only "official" activity aside from eating is a chance for everyone to introduce themselves and mention any local activities coming up with their organizations.

I think the "no host" format is important to the success. By that I mean that there is no club or organization sponsoring the get together. It always seems like there are people who don't like the local club, don't like the nearby club, don't like the ARES group, etc. Yet somehow if there's no organization involved they're able to come eat and have fun. People. Go figure.


Tim, N9PUZ

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